Fri 5/20 @ 7:15PM
OddyFest is graduating… sort of. Fri 5/20 will be the last of their monthly installments of free odd theater. OddyFest will “graduate” to seasonal programs starting in the fall. So, make sure to check out their final monthly feature Odds and Ends.
The evening will consist of:
“Valedictory” by Matt Greenfield & Ian Adler
“Coming full-circle from OddyFest’s first program (the one-man show “Vestibule”), Oddy founder Matt Greenfield bids farewell to the festival and playwriting in this one-man play.”
“The Bit Players” by The Bit Players
“The biggest, toughest, street-wise yet by-the-book cast in OddyFest history unites to fight crime and take a look back at every single Oddy production. Whether it’s your first Oddy show or your 33rd, the best supporting cast members have a ‘best of’ that will best your wildest expectations.”
Cleveland Heights Library – Brody-Nelson Rm – 2345 Lee Rd. – Cleveland Hts
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