Feathers & Fedoras @ May Dugan Center

Anchoring the community

May Dugan Center celebrates 40 years w/ Feathers & Fedoras

Calling all fedora-wearing hipsters. The May Dugan Center, which is celebrating 40 years of service to people in need, is hosting a special benefit called “Feathers & Fedoras” on Thu 5/19 at Saigon Plaza in Cleveland.

The May Dugan Center is named after Cleveland heroine and tavern keeper May Dugan, who dedicated her life to caring for her neighbors in need. In 1932, May opened the first in a series of Irish neighborhood taverns, including Dugan’s, which was established in 1940 on West 58th and Detroit Avenue. These establishments filled an important social need in the community and offered a venue for Dugan to help her neighbors find jobs, food, clothing and legal advice. Her compassion was legendary. At one time, 25 penniless and homeless people were housed and fed in Dugan’s attic, basement and garage. Dugan died in 1972 but not before seeing her name grace the current multipurpose center, which opened in 1969.

Cool Cleveland talked to May Dugan Center Executive Director Rick Kemm about the community center’s mission statement, its legendary namesake and its importance in the Ohio City area.

CoolCleveland: First of all, tell us about the May Dugan Center.

Rick Kemm: Our mission is to help individuals enrich and advance their lives in communities. We do that through a comprehensive case management and counseling program. May Dugan is unique because we’re one of the very few non-profits that will accept clients who don’t have any kind of insurance. So people can come to us looking for housing and employment. Many of our clients aren’t really skilled so we have our own in-house education and resource center that helps prepare people to be more qualified for positions. They can study for their GED, and there’s a computer lab where they can enhance their computer skills. We also have English as a second language for people who want to improve their English.

We probably currently have over 200 people enrolled in those two programs. We helped about 233 people last year in our counseling and case management program. These are people that are having marital problems or are suffering from depression who can see one of our licensed social workers.

What role does the May Dugan Center play in the community?

People know the May Dugan Center serves as an anchor in this community. People know where to come for help. We had over 2,000 phone referrals from United Way’s First Call for Help. Of course, we can’t help everybody but we’ll certainly refer them if we can’t help them ourselves. The May Dugan Center has always provided counseling. We’ve always been true blue to that mission and have always distributed food. We’ve always been governed by a wonderful group of volunteers. They’re dedicated and wonderful.

“Feathers & Fedoras” sounds like a cool throwback evening. What can we expect?

Because May Dugan used to own her own tavern during the Prohibition era, she was known to sell booze with the proceeds going to poor people in the community, we have a speakeasy theme. The goal is to raise money to support our operations at the center. This is the first time we’ve done this. We’ll have a jazz vocalist and band playing, so there will be great entertainment. We’ll have a signature cocktail called “The May-tini” in honor of May Dugan.

Mayor Jackson has agreed to be an honorary chair, along with Trevor Jones and Judge Kathleen Ann Keough. We’re looking for all age ranges, young professionals to older adults. There are some great auction items and the food will be spectacular. It’s an option to dress up from that period but a lot of people are really getting into it and renting vintage costumes. We’ll have boas to give out to the ladies and we’re encouraging the guys to wear their fedoras.

The roaring ’20s evening of fun “Feathers & Fedoras” takes place from 6 to 9PM on Thu 5/19 at 5400 Detroit Ave. (Saigon Plaza), Cleveland. Tickets are $60 per person or $100 for two. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit http://MayDuganCenter.org or call the May Dugan Center at 216-631-5800.

Freelance writer John Benson spends most of his time writing for various papers throughout Northeast Ohio.
When he’s not writing about music or entertainment, he can be found coaching his two boys in basketball, football and baseball or watching movies with his lovely wife, Maria. John also occasionally writes for CoolCleveland.com.

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