A new independent study rates Cleveland among the nation’s best for bus-based transportation and gives the HealthLine high marks. The study, issued by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, rates the HealthLine a score of 69 out of 100 — the highest in the nation. From the report:
“Cleveland, OH: The HealthLine has dedicated bus lanes, off-board fare collection, and at-level boarding, and has resulted in average time savings of 12 minutes from end-to-end of the route. Ridership is up 60% as compared to the bus line that previously served the corridor, and it is spurring new development along the corridor.”
One Response to “Cle: One of nation’s leading cities for bus-based transportation”
This story is such BULL CRAP!!!!!!!!! I will agree with the speed and efficiency of the Healthline but come on, the reason ridership is up on the Healthline is that RTA has made it nearly impossible to get to and from downtown on the east side of town after 6pm weekdays and all day on weekends without taking the redline rapid or the Healthline. RTA manipulates its numbers if you push everybody onto one bus of course ridership will increase. These agencies who rate bus service (anywhere) should be required to take a week or so and actually ride the buses and trains in the area they are rating, That way they can base their opinions on actual experience instead of facts and figures put out by the Transportation System they are rating. Thats like a food critic rating food he hasn’t tasted or a movie critic giving an opinion about a movie he hasn’t seen.
Truth is RTA has destroyed bus service in NEO over the last decade. I hope somebody has the good sense to restore it before the casinos are opened here. Casinos employ entry level service workers, usually minimum wage or close to it. Most of which won’t have cars or if they do won’t be able to afford the parking in downtown Cleveland. There will need to be 24/7 public transportation for 24/7 casino operation for both employees and gamblers.