Should we demolish historic buildings? One writer at the blog Shroomin’ with Shaw thinks we can do better than tearing down historic buildings (namely, the Columbia Bldg) for a parking lot and so-called “honkey tunnel.”
From the blog: “This is just another effort to cater to auto-centric suburban visitors rather than the residents of Cleveland. We have to live here everyday and what makes downtown Cleveland so attractive and unique is its historic buildings. Please don’t take that away from us. As a classmate of mine, Gregory Soltis stated in a letter to the editor, we can never get these buildings back.”
[Pictured: Should we demolish the Columbia Building for this?]
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One Response to “Bulldozing Cleveland”
Weelll said..
IF ENOUGH $..PROBLEM….HOW MANY MT bldgs..I HATE TO SEE THISsss tooo BUT…HOW much ED biz do WE have…NEAR tooo much n IN A SENSE tooo little…TRIED every other thing…POLITICALLY…TEAR DOWN THAT whutever FOR X…WHo has the $..yeah…IN ALL manifestations of THAT as were….FEW VIABLE projects…
A MIDTOWN TECH CORRIDOR like 20 to FORTY YEARS OVERDUE…long w/other stuff…n folks doin ANY n all to keep it alll goin…GOT IDEAS ON 5 Ws behind THAT n THAT is NEAR or criminal toooo…BOTH sides…HAVE sympathy for X CUZ FEEL obligted to GO DOWN THAT road..or have toooo….
I PERSONALLY have X qualms bout THAT but CONSIDERING…folks gonna do…WHA kind of jobs CAN OUR crew do?! SERioouslly…..EVEN THE TECHIE crew feeling ‘pressure’….MERGERS,acquisitions,etc.
I PERSONALLY can NOT remember EXACT layout of X COLUMBIA building…SUSPECT roundabout driver thru deal….
IF casino successul LONG enough suspect CLEAN UP of BOTH RIVER banks, WORST parts of CARTER, CANAL roads,etc CAN pic SHRUB planting,earth mounds, cruise thru marina BlACK RIVER type stuff MINUS the condoes,etc.
TALKIN PHASE 2 PART….TIME will tell…HIGBEES first deal…Tooo far along..LOT oF $$$…SOoooo is $70 MIL for 16 ACRES DOOOWN THERE TOOO