West Side Market to host int’l public markets conference

Cleveland’s beloved West Side Market was chosen as host for an international public conference — the 8th International Public Markets Conference. The 3-day event will bring 300+ participants, including noted designers and market managers, to our city landmark in Sept 2011.

So, why Cleveland? “Cleveland and the Market were singled out by the Travel Channel as the best culinary secret in America, and the West Side Market was named by the Food Network  as the ‘Best Food Lover’s Market’  in the country in September of 2010. Even Travel and Leisure Magazine says ‘Cleveland shines brightly on the map of new American food destinations’ and highlights the Market as a must-see destination.  The American Planning Association designated the market as one of America’s ’10 Great Public Spaces,’ and it is on the National Register of Historic Places.

“City leaders in Cleveland have become known as champions for local food, urban agriculture and healthy living, passing legislation to allow backyard chickens and bees, leading the country in vacant land reuse and urban agriculture. As recently as this month, they joined forces with local hospitals to tackle city-wide health through healthy eating.”

Read all about it:


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