The Artless Dodges Press releases HAZAIAH’S HEAD

Cleveland-based publishing co-op The Artless Dodges Press has releases a new novel. Introducing Hazaiah’s Head, Orhan Miloshe’s second novel.

Excerpted from the novel: “The call, arising from the Royal throat of the reclining King, possessed of a great bellow from his Royal lungs, propelled by his Royal vocal chords, passed his Royal lips with such fury as to fill the august and stately bedchamber, traverse the threshold into the hall without and escape, through the open-air congress, even into the central courtyard, where it echoed momentarily among the gilded domes topping the castle’s many towers, and disturbed as it did the many birds nesting there and startled the many guards on duty, before it rose, finally, into the blue and cloudless and insensate heavens.

“Bring me the head of Hazaiah the Terrible!”

About Artless Dodges Press: “Despite the downturned economy The Artless Dodges Press has continued to operate, working to draw attention to the unconventional and noteworthy fiction being written in northeast Ohio.  Over the past two years they have increased readership while cutting costs, an unprecedented phenomenon which they attribute to their unorthodox production, promotion, and distribution model, which they call “the new model for profitable publishing in the digital age.”

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