Cleveland vs. Wall Street @ CIFF 4/2/11
Swiss filmmaker Jean-Stéphane Bron came to Cleveland after reading a small newspaper write-up about a lawsuit Cleveland officials filed against 21 of the biggest banks (some Swiss). The City accused banks of decimating Cleveland via the proliferation of subprime mortgages and predatory lending and thought they should pay up.
Bron thought the trail would make perfect movie material — a true story about justice and the little guy sticking up to the big guys — so he came to our fine city to film the trial. But, when the trial was stalled and ended up going nowhere (of course the banks wanted nothing to do with it), he came up with a new idea. Shoot a mock trial.
Bron staged a trial with real judges, real witnesses, real lawyers and a real jury. Sure, he set up the trial but all testimony was unscripted. He had no idea what anyone on the stand would say — or what the verdict would be. The result is Cleveland vs. Wall Street, which I got to see @ the Cleveland International Film Festival.
You may be wondering, if this case bears no meaning in the real world, then what’s the point? Why set up a mock trial in the first place?
I thought those questions before I saw the film, but afterward I understood. The whole trial thing made for a way more enthralling film than a traditional documentary where people speak into the camera. The trial highlighted both sides of the case and allowed people’s natural passion to shine through. There were times when the trial got so intense I forgot it was all staged.
Cleveland vs. Wall Street speaks of many things — the evilness (or inherent nature) of big banks, the ruthlessness of mortgage brokers looking for a quick buck, and the strength of Clevelanders — the toughest people in the nation. The film is well-made with extensive footage of Slavic Village and its overabundance of boarded up houses. Lovely choreography throughout.
Confused about the whole subprime mortgage crises? This film will make things clear. When I left the film, I was angry and dismayed. How could these banks just come in and target poor residents? What are we going to do with all these boarded up homes? Where will these foreclosed families go? No one knows. But I also had hope that there were people fighting to make the city right — people like neighborhood activist Barbara Anderson [pictured], passionate lawyer Josh Cohen and even that guy proudly reppin’ the 216 hat.
Every Clevelander should see this movie. Even though this is a mock trial, the desecration, the heartbreak, the greed and the insanity of it all are real.
Cleveland vs. Wall Street is playing Fri 4/8 – Thu 4/14 @ the Capitol Theatre in Gordon Square Arts District and @ the Cedar Lee Theater in Cleveland Heights. It’s a movie you gotta see. http://ClevelandCinemas.com.
Cool Cleveland editor Sarah Valek graduated from Ithaca College with a double-major in arts and writing. After graduation, she came back to her beloved city and served as an AmeriCorps*VISTA with the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless. She currently spends her days chasing after her toddler-age son, drinking soy lattes and digging up the coolest events around town. Contact her at CoolEditorATCoolCleveland.com.
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