Making a Joyful Noise: Review of God’s Trombones @ Karamu

Making a Joyful Noise
A Review of God’s Trombones @ Karamu

Unless the run is extended, you probably won’t be able to secure tickets for God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse currently at Karamu, since the remaining dates are virtually all sold out. But if enough people call and ask — nay, make a demand for tickets — the run just might be extended… and well it should. Your soul will be the poorer for it if you miss this magnificent, moving and multi-faceted theatrical experience.

Director Terrence Spivey seemingly has topped his last year’s production of this 34-cast member (backed by a dozen musicians, choreographers and stagecraft professionals) extravaganza… creating the illusion of a cast of thousands as the packed stage explodes in joyful celebration of James Weldon Johnson’s 1927 paean to Black spiritual life and interpretation of Gospel.

However, a warning is in order: This show is not for most Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Seven Day Adventists — who generally prefer to worship in a more sedate manner… not that there’s anything wrong with that form of paying praise to the Almighty, mind you. It’s just that the strong voices of these cast members raise the rafters and shake the walls of the venerable and stately old Jelliffe Theatre, bringing the audience to their feet again and again, and, let’s face it, not everyone is down for that kind of theatrical or religious experience. Indeed, I think I saw one woman in the front row get the Holy Ghost… and begin talking in tongue.

However, one need not be a Christian to enjoy this tight-as-a-drum production (I’m not); the medium and music far surpasses the religious message — making it simply great, entertaining, first-class theatre.

To single out any particular performers for praise runs the risk of overlooking others equally as talented. Nonetheless, with that caveat firmly in mind I do have to say that Durand Ferebee, Jr’s voice, and Jala Khateeb’s movements simply improve each time I witness them perform. Newcomers Rashawn Anderson and De’ja Conner also dance well.

Make that call and demand tickets. It runs through Sun 4/10. Oh, and as to which faith I personally follow, it’s none of your damn business.


From Cool Cleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available again in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author by visiting

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