A few reasons Cleveland is cooler than Chicago


From “C” to Shining “C”
A few reasons Cleveland is cooler than Chicago

Six months ago I relocated to Chicago. And while Chicago provides myriad options beyond the northeast reaches and beaches of Lake Erie, Cleveland certainly offers up some important pluses that should be imparted compared with the metropolis west of south Lake Michigan.

1. Parks

Not city parks. “Real parks.” I wonder if the denizens of Cleveland have any idea what a gem lies in their own backyard. The “Emerald Necklace” is a wonder unmatched. I miss it terribly. The green. The abundance of vegetative diversity is a gift to you. Embrace it. Not sure I’ve even seen the incongruous beauty of a Sycamore tree since my exodus.  Certainly,  I haven’t encountered the quirkiness of a Sassafras since.  In Chicago we have “forest preserves.” They are thin and short. And one always knows — because we have eyes and ears — civilization abounds and disrupts just beyond. In Cleveland, you can get “lost” in the forest.  Hiking near Chicago offers one an ultra-flat landscape. An elevation change beyond 10 feet is a welcomed novelty. Give me the gorgeous gorges of the Cuyahoga River Valley any day.

2. Cultural Institutions

Certainly Chicago has an abundance of top-notch museums and the like. The Chicago Institute of Art is exquisite. I recently became a member. But The Cleveland Museum of Art is as renowned and special. It is the last major art museum to still remain free of charge. Take advantage Cleveland. If you have not, you don’t have an idea of what you are missing.

Sure, Chicago Botanic Garden’s acreage outweighs Cleveland Botanical Garden’s 385 to 10, and Chicago Botanic Garden is free compared to Cleveland’s $8.50 admission. But it costs $20 to park at Chicago’s Garden and there is no way around that. Furthermore, Cleveland’s Garden is a more streamlined, engaging and “doable” experience.

3. Celebrity

Cleveland’s own uber-spectacled comedian/actor/gameshow host Drew Carey is much cooler than Chicago’s uber-spectacled (late) baseball announcer, Harry Caray.

4. Roadways

Please. The last time I visited Cleveland via Chicago by automobile I was struck dumfounded by I-77. I wondered who had died. I was free to switch lanes at will without any fear of being honked at.

5. Sports

The NBA’s Chicago Bulls may be the odds-on favorite to lock the number one seed in the playoffs, but at least one can GET a ticket to a CAVS game in Cleveland.

6. Parking

Downtown parking free on weekends in Cleveland. Downtown parking never free in Chicago. Even on side streets.

7. Hot Dogs

It takes neon relish, a pickle, tomatoes, peppers, onions and more just to make a Chicago hot dog edible. A Cleveland hot dog only needs Stadium Mustard to spark the palate.

8.Governmental  Corruption

It’s a tie.

9. I said there were a few reasons, not 10, as you might expect.

10. See above.

Cleveland rocks! I envy you.


–Eric Johnson

Skokie, Illinois

[Photo by Elisa Vietri]

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8 Responses to “A few reasons Cleveland is cooler than Chicago”

  1. […] finally, a contributor to the Web site Coolcleveland.com has come up with a mathematical equation proving once and for all that his hometown (Cleveland) is superior to his new city (Chicago.) Okay, […]

  2. Martin Daniels

    yeah…right…after the obligatory bow to the Metroparks (yawn) and Stadium Mustard (who cares) this poor guy is left celebrating that the Art Museum is free (does that mean if Clevelanders had to pay. it would close?) and the fact that there are no crowds on the freeways since no one lives here and you can get a ticket to a Cavs game because they stink. Those are good things???

  3. John Ettorre

    If you think Cleveland is cooler than Chicago, I think you’re in need of either some new glasses or a shrink, or possibly both.

  4. Steve McQuillin

    I could add soem more reasons:

    1. Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall, one of the best in the world

    2. Cleveland Orchestra and other events at Blossom Music Center

    3. Rockefeller Park greenhouse is free and has free parking

    4. not only is Chicago’s freeway system not really that much larger than Cleveland’s and serves a much larger population, it also has TOLL ROADS and major traffic jams, even on weekends

    5. Cleveland doesn’t have the humungous sprawl like chicago, so it is possible to take a bike ride in the beautiful countryside

  5. martin daniels

    clevelanders constantly point to the Orch as a big advantage…no denying they are wonderful…but why then, do they continue to see shrinking attendance,if so many Clevelanders think they are such a gem?

    Typical conversation with a Clevelander=

    Clevo-“Cleveland is a great place!”
    Me: “Why?”
    Clevo: “well, we have the Orchestra.”
    Me: “Do you ever go to hear them play?”
    Clevo: “No…I don’t like classical music.”

    Again, the reason Chicago has traffic jams is because they still have a large population. Cleveland doesn’t becauseno one lives there anymore. That is not a good thing.

    You can ride your bike around Cleveland? Wow, load up the moving truck…Ive never heard of such a thing…being able to ride your bike around a city.I’llbet no other place has something like that…plus Stadium mustard! I’m sold!

  6. Martin should move to chi as soon as possible.

  7. martin daniels

    and len should buy a new cheerleading outfit. Sorry, I lived in cle for 30 years. I like it just fine.. I’m just not going to pretend its something it isn’t for the sake of empty boosterism

  8. One big one is simply cost of living. For 1/4 of the price of a similar home in Chicago, we bought a 2.5 story, 3 bedroom brick colonial with hardwood floors, etc., less than 3 miles from the Art Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Auto and Aviation Museum, the Botanical Gardens, Severance Hall, Case Western Reserve University, Little Italy, Lakeview Cemetery (not everyone lives a bike ride away from a President’s tomb, eh?), and one of the nations best hospitals.

    That cost of living here makes it possible for young and innovative people to pursue their dreams, and we are reaping the benefits of that in places like Ohio City, Gordon Square, and Collinwood.

    Plus, I’ll take Frank Jackson and Ed Fitzgerald over Rahm Emmanuel and the Daly’s any day!

    I do give Chicago the advantage for its Lakefront….but we’re getting there, slowly but surely.

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