A rogue art gallery in an unexpected place
Some people experience the world before writing their first novel. For Solon native Mike Bruckman, living life led to the opening of his first gallery in Aurora. However, the MozArt Gallery is probably unlike any other art space you’ve ever experienced. Sure the venue boasts plenty of visual creativity — ranging from canvas and photography to metal and glass — but there’s also a large flat screen and brand-new Baby Grand piano in the 1,500-square-foot space.
Something is going on here, but the question is what? CoolCleveland talked to Bruckman, 33, who is also a quasi-inventor, about his unique past and how it led to the opening of the MozArt Gallery.
CoolCleveland: The leap from working as an artist to actually starting your own gallery is pretty big. Take us through your mindset that led to opening MozArt earlier this year.
Michael Bruckman: It’s me. I am the person behind it. It’s kind of a reflection of my own life and my own passions. I’m an artist, I do metal work and photography, etc. and I’ve been a teacher and performing musician for 10 years. MozArt is an art and music gallery. I feature local and regional artists’ work, including my own. We cover everything from acrylic and oil paintings on canvas to photography, glassblowing, and charcoals. There are limited edition prints, there’s cartoon art, metal sculpture, and we also offer services where we print photography on canvas. On the music side of things, I currently have 20 piano students. The space is also rentable for events. I can host up to 100 people.
What sort of events?
One coming up features a large area group looking to do open-mic nights. We’ll do them every other week. We have 60 super comfortable chairs. And then I have a stage with a piano on it, so it’s a very conducive space to hold events like an open mic night. It’s for musicians but I would love to do stand-up comedy. I do have a theme for that, but I’m still tweaking the idea to make it happen.
There’s a sense no one would think twice if MozArt was located in the Tremont or Coventry areas, but being in Aurora is an interesting choice. Why Portage County?
I’m kind of like a rogue gallery out here in Aurora. There is nothing else like us nearby, so there is really no competition, but also I’m not stepping into an existing market where people are expecting this. So, we’re kind of under the radar right now, because it’s such a different operation for this area. It’s like everybody who has come into the door that has randomly found us is so surprised that something like this exists out here. This is a very affluent area, and I believe that the people have a large appreciation for the arts, music and culture. Just given the upkeep of the neighborhoods and the styles of the homes and the attention to detail and the rich history and everything that’s going on out here, I feel like this type of an operation was lacking in this area so I took the leap of faith to open an establishment like this out here.
When people visit MozArt, what do you hope they leave feeling?
I hope they feel a sense of diversity and something that is unique to the area. My network is exponentially growing by the day, and I continually consult with people around Cleveland deeply rooted in the art scene, as well as people in Columbus and around the country. I’m trying to capture the best of what seems to work from different places and implement as much as I can into this little 1,500 square foot space I have.
Aside from your art and music, you’re also an inventor?
I am. Five weeks ago I invented something that’s going to revolutionize the art world. I call it the GloFrame. It’s a remote-controlled, self-illuminated shadowbox that will reinvigorate any existing piece of art. It’s a six-inch deep shadowbox that goes around the art but doesn’t touch the art. It hangs in front of it with a built-in LED illuminating light system that is remote controlled. It’s totally awesome. I already sold a couple of them. It’s going to be a big thing.
Wow, it’s safe to say you’re truly a new millennium renaissance man.
Yeah, I have been called that several times before. So I’ll claim it.
MozArt is located at 330 East Garfield Road in Aurora. For more information, visit http://www.MikeBruckman.com.
Free-lance writer John Benson spends most of his time writing for various papers throughout Northeast Ohio.
When he’s not writing about music or entertainment, he can be found coaching his two boys in basketball, football and baseball or watching movies with his lovely wife, Maria.
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