What would happen if we all spent just ten minutes listening to each other?

Think about it: What would happen if we all spent just ten minutes listening to each other? World peace? Boredom? A radical shift in our personal beliefs? What’cha think? The Civic Commons wants to know your ideas. Enter their “Join the Conversation” contest and you could win big. Submit entries by Mon 1/31.


The Civic Commons poster contest is your chance to show us what “Join the Conversation” means to you.

This contest is open to everyone. To enter please use any 11×17 surface to creatively express your interpretation. The rest is up to you. You can illustrate with crayons, markers, paint, your trusty ballpoint pen, spray paint, recycled materials, Adobe design software – whatever suits you.

Five winners will be voted on by the Civic Commons and will receive $500 prizes and be used in future promotional materials.

Be sure to submit your entry by January 31, 2011. You can email it to posters@theciviccommons.com or mail it.


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