Wed 1/26 @ 7PM
Get schooled in the sounds and history of rock & roll @ the Rock Hall’s Rock & Roll Night School series. For January, ponder this Q: What’s the FIRST rock and roll record? Join Rock Hall President and CEO Terry Stewart to discuss and debate.
Was it Roy Brown’s 1947 jump blues classic “Good Rockin’ Tonight”? Was rock and roll born in 1949 with Fats Domino’s debut single “The Fat Man” or Jimmy Preston’s “Rock the Joint”? Was it 1951, which featured the distorted electric guitar sounds of Jackie Brenston’s “Rocket 88” as well as the racy lyrics of the Dominoes’ “Sixty Minute Man”? Does rock and roll begin when white artists start playing black rhythm and blues music, such as Bill Haley and His Comets’ “Crazy Man Crazy” (1953) and “Rock Around the Clock” (1955). Or was the first rock and roll song recorded way back in 1922 with Trixie Smith’s “My Daddy Rocks Me With One Steady Roll”? Other contenders include Louis Jordan’s “Saturday Night Fish Fry” (1949), Wild Bill Moore’s “Rock and Roll” (1949), The Crows’ “Gee” (1953), the Chords “Sh-Boom” (1954) and Elvis Presley’s “That’s All Right (Mama)” (1954).
Come join us on Wednesday, January 26 for a special edition of Rock and Roll Night School featuring Rock Hall President (and avid record collector) Terry Stewart and the Museum’s education department staff. This promises to be a night full of great debates and, of course, A LOT of record spinning!
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum
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