On view through Sat 3/12
Check out Life Imitates Artifice, an exhibit of contemporary photographs by Nate Larsen and Marni Shindelman, Brandon Juhasz, Matt Siber, Kerry Skarbakka, and Lori Nix, curated by Mark Slankard, CSU assistant professor of art. Life Imitates Artifice is on view at Cleveland State University’s Main Gallery through Sat 3/12.
What’s it all about?
According to curator Mark Slankard, “Whatever the artist’s approach, they all confound meaning by disrupting our expectations of life, art and artifice. This exhibition features such implausible images as the archeological remnants of human civilization; one artist repeatedly stars in images of himself in impossibly perilous situations; there are photographs of other reconstituted photographs; and works where an image’s meaning shifts when textual information is introduced — or eliminated.”
CSU Art Gallery – 2307 Chester Ave. – Cle