Sat 1/29 @ 8PM
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo has traveled around the world since its inception in the ’70s. Everyone seems to love this offbeat all-male ballet company full of amazing dancers. The Trocks come to Cle on Sat 1/29!
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Since their beginnings in the 1970s in late shows at off- Broadway lofts, the Trocks, as they are called by their legion of fans, have become an international dance phenomenon. The all male company performs a full range of ballet and modern dance styles, delighting and amusing the most knowledgeable, as well as novices, in the audience. The Trocks blend a loving knowledge of dance with a comic approach – not to mention the astounding fact that men can, indeed, dance en pointe without falling flat on their faces.
[Photo: Ferran Casanova]
Ohio Theatre – PlayhouseSquare – 1501 Euclid Avenue – Cle
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