COMMENT: Do Not Be Angry With Governor Kasich It’s Not His Fault, It’s Ours

Do Not Be Angry With Governor Kasich
It’s Not His Fault, It’s Ours
By Minister Kyle Earley

Here we are, again, crying about the lack of diversity and the lack of an urban and minority agenda.  Amazingly, the same leadership who once valiantly fought for the rights of those disenfranchised, neglected to empower a new generation of leaders to fight even harder and become more progressive.  All we need is the endorsement, support and resources from our elders.

Allow me to say this; there have been a few leaders that have taken on the responsibility of loving, guiding, and mentoring young, up in coming leaders. To those who have, we say thank you and we love you.  Conversely, there are many who have not due to their egos, selfish ambitions, and money hungry ways. I am aware that this letter may make me a disliked leader in the black community and Democratic Party, but so what. It’s time for the voiceless to have a voice and those who have been blocked out to break down the walls of ignorance and pursue a new destiny for our community. Please understand that I speak from a position of one who is responsible and now held accountable to my generation and generations to come and as a father of two beautiful daughters.  As such, I am responsible to God Almighty for leaving an inheritance for them and their children and their children’s children.


We are disappointed with the results of the November 2010 general election, but please be reminded that we lost because we killed ourselves as a party, a race, and a state. We bought into a state democratic system that was not diverse and organized enough to win. People please, stop thinking that we, the Democratic Party, can win because we throw around a name carved in history; better know as President Barack Obama. Yet when he arrived in Cleveland to rally us to vote for a visionless governor and state ticket, I was reminded that the faith community (through Praise Fest 2010) was able to rally more folks to pray for our leaders than the President himself.


I understand we are a country, state, county and city that enjoys pointing the finger of guilt, but who is to blame? Every individual that has not taken responsibility for themselves and actively participated in the process of change is to blame for our current condition. Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” So if you don’t like the current leadership of our city, county, state and or national level, start the change within yourself; be courageous and start changing the spirit in you and the environment around you.


With all of that stated, do not be angry with Governor John Kasich:


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we, the Democratic Party, have not called on the resignation of the Ohio Democratic Chairman who cost democrats state wide seats due to his lack of diversity and commitment to the minority community.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we, the Democratic Party, will not organize an agenda that will educate, empower and engage minority voters, yet will hire us at the last minute to canvass for an unworthy cause and candidates we do not know.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we, as the black community, are not organized with an agenda of change, progress, and inclusion of our own communities.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we, the Cleveland community, can not benefit from civic and urban based agencies and organizations who have leaders who will not fight for the causes in their mission and vision statements and will not empower younger leaders to carry that legacy and torch of change, but will hold these organizations hostage due to selfish ambitions and money hungry motivations.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we have a local school board, a Chief Executive Officer, and Unions who can not get along because of the fight for self interest, instead of uniting for the future academic success of our children which they are responsible to educate.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when less than 30% of registered Cleveland voters participated in the very election of this governor (who is not concerned with diversity and inclusion).


”’Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we, as parents, allow our children to watch more reality television than read books, practice math, understand history and/or embrace higher learning.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we have forgotten about marches, rallies, organizing, sit – ins, and standing together for what is right and moral.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when responsible fathers remain silent and will not challenge neglectful fathers to become active fathers in the lives of their children.


Do not be angry with Governor Kasich when we will not support black owned businesses so that our own communities can have economic power.


I could go on and on, but I will not. Instead, let me reiterate that as a minority community we are the most powerful force in this state. We hold the most votes, but when will we decide to use them? We have the most powerful organizations, but when will we empower a younger generation to direct them? We have the strongest faith institutions, but when will we ever come together and pray? We have a powerful motivation to become a stronger community – that motivation is ignited by a desire for change, a desire for better living conditions; a desire for employment; a desire to not be discriminated against because of race, sexual orientation, economic status or criminal history; and most of all, a desire to see our children 10 generations from now in a place where they are educated and can prosper in a global and diverse world.


Don’t be angry with Governor Kasich. Though I am disappointed in him, I am also disappointed in us.  If as a community, we are disappointed by his approach to managing the state of Ohio (if we feel he is not diverse and is not concerned with the social services needed for minority communities to survive or that Governor Kasich will not be fair to all Ohioans), then we should come together to strategize, organize and vote him out in the next four years. In the mean time, let us do what we have done all of our lives – use what we have to get what we need. Let us unite together, with shared resources and responsibilities, to take care of our own communities. We must come on one accord so that we can be the change we want to see.


So instead of pointing the finger and being angry with the Governor, let us come together and create a moral voice and build a moral agenda of change for our families and communities. Don’t Be angry with Governor Kasich, It’s not his Fault, It’s Ours.


Minister Kyle Earley is an assistant pastor at Mount Sinai Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, where his pastors are Dr. C. Jay and Jacquelyn Matthews. Kyle is a relevant voice for his generation and others. His life experiences have shaped him to become a spiritual leader, community leader, and a transparent communicator. God has empowered Kyle to serve, have influence and bring about change in the areas of foster care and adoption, social and civic engagement, violence intervention, youth and young adult ministry, the hip hop culture and list of other services that assist in promoting the Kingdom of God and affecting social change.

Currently Kyle is leading an effort to build the Cleveland Voter Coalition. The Cleveland Voter Coalition is a non partisan voter outreach coalition of concerned Cleveland residents with the mission to increase voter participation in Cleveland through aggressive and effective education, engagement and empowerment outreach efforts. Their slogan says it all: “It’s not a Moment, It’s a MOVEMENT.”

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8 Responses to “COMMENT: Do Not Be Angry With Governor Kasich It’s Not His Fault, It’s Ours”

  1. was their any diversity shown when the black caucas met and appionted rep. Tubbs replacement if I recall they did not even consult with the democratic party– if I remember right rep. Stokes said some thing on the order that this is are seat created by my brother Carl and me it is are entitlement

  2. Eric Johnson

    Good post.

  3. Russell

    Coolcleveland is great arts and entertainment media
    Would love to see the political garbage left out – you make at least half your audience cringe when they come aboard and see this as the lead article

  4. whare was the diversity when rep. Tudds was replaced? if I remember right the black cacause had the only impute– i think rep Lou Stokes said some thing of the affect that this seat was created by Carl and me and this is our entitlement. so much for diversity

  5. Don Gaddis

    @Paparosa. You make a good point in the fact that diversity has to be a commitment of all races and all power structures. What I will say is this, your reference to something that long ago does not quite pertain to what is at hand. Past stupidity does not validate the present one. What we are talking about here is an entire cabinet. Please Look on my facebook profile and listen to Senator Nina Turner speak about Kasich’s response to his lack of diversity. If we are a city moving forward, it is imparative that we build upon the best practices and not what has held us down for decades. This is not about the black caucus or Rep. Stokes, this is now, and this is relevant. I would like to know where you stand on the actions of your new governor; not play political fault volleyball.

  6. I do not know to much about him but iI do know he was elected by a majority and needs to prove himself and should have a free hand for at least a couple of years and if there is no improvement by than I may join in the crucifiction or lynching wich ever you prefer I am for the persone that is the most able to get the job done @ Don Gaddis

  7. anastasia p

    Kasich was not elected by a majority. He got only 49 percent of the vote of less than 50 percent of the voters. yet when President Obama won in a landslide, pundits told us that it was imperative that he be “bipartisan” and consider the opinions of those who opposed and attacked him equally with his supporters. NO politician should EVER be given a ‘free hand” to do whatever he likes for a “couple of years” with no input from anyone else. That’s a setup for disengagement and a bastardization of democracy. We do not elect people to do whatever they like for their term of office, with our only input whether to re-elect them or oust them. That is very wrong.

  8. C J Paparosa

    I thought that what the three branches of goverment was for –checks and balances

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