Cleveland Public Library wants to be a place that attracts residents, tourists, downtown workers and visitors. CPL has launched its Downtown Destination Campaign to reposition its Main Library as a center of activity and learning in the 21st century. The first phase is to consolidate public access computers into Tech Central.
CPL’s revitalization includes several phases of development, including:
• The lower level of the Louis Stokes Wing of the Main Library will become “Tech Central,” where patrons and visitors will find all of the library’s computers and latest technologies in one central space, with expert staff on hand to help patrons make the most of technology.
• All of the popular collections, CDs, and foreign literature will relocate to the first floor. Brett Hall will become the heart of the transformation with new displays that highlight the rare and special collections that have made the library a popular destination for people throughout the world. It will also become active space for community events.
• A new indoor garden, like the popular Eastman Garden outside, becomes a new addition on the first floor flanked by the gift shop and space for tech instruction.
While the first phase, Tech Central, gets under way, CPL will continue to raise support for the other dramatic improvements to the library. The Downtown Destination Campaign will also focus on creating “Centers” for family and children’s discovery, sports research, and career connections.
CPL’s Downtown Destination Campaign will give downtown visitors a place to explore, relax, read, connect to the world, see a new exhibit, attend a special event, and so much more. It will connect an admired historic building to the exciting work of the Group Plan Commission, which is actively engaged in uniting $1.5 billion of downtown development into a seamless, interconnected array of attractions.