Sat 10/16 @ 7 – 10PM
Yeehaw! East meets West @ ARToberfest, Zygote Press’ Round-Up Benefit on Sat 10/16. Grab yer beer steins and put on yer cowboy hat. Register now – first 100 registrations receive a free bandanna! Giddyup.
Pull on your boots and get ready to swing! Square dancing, music, brats, pretzels and more make this Cleveland’s only Saxon Shindig! We’ll be presentin’ Foreign Affairs XIII* featuring Dresden artists Paul Barsch & Christiane Just. We’ll be rocking & riding the Galloping Printing Pony – all to benefit Zygote’s programming. Great Lakes Brewery Beer on Tap + Zygote Pint Glasses for Sale. All proceeds go to Zygote Press, Inc. *AIR Exhibition also on display featuring Terry Schwarz: TAKE IT!
Zygote Press – 1410 E. 30th St.
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