Dead Boys Chrome & Blitz Talk Punk Rock at Tri-C’s LiPuma Center

Sat 11/4 @ 7PM

Cheetah Chrome and Johnny Blitz, guitarist and drummer respectively from legendary ’70s Cleveland punk rockers the Dead Boys, are back on the road together performing shows.

Blitz, now living back in Cleveland, has mostly left the music scene behind, while Chrome, based in Austin, has remained active, putting out solo music, working with Plowboy Records and releasing a gripping detailed autobiography every music lover should read. Together, they’re recreating some of the spark the Dead Boys had, with fewer drugs (Cheetah, who details his staggering drug abuse in his book, has been mostly cleaned up since the mid ’90s).

Chrome and Blitz will be dropping in at the Black Box Theatre at the Gill and Tommy LiPuma Center at the Tri-C Metro campus for a conversation and performance, along with Cleveland photographer Dave Treat who recently released a book of his photos of the Dead Boys, taken in the mid 70s. They’ll talk about the band’s early years in Cleveland before they moved to New York and became the toast of the international punk scene.

Chrome and Blitz will perform some music, and afterwards there will be a signing, with books and CDs available for sale.Tickets are $10.

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