Connie Schultz & Sherrod Brown to Speak at Free Public Program Kicking Off Trinity Cathedral’s Bicentennial


Tue 10/4 @ noon

Ohio U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown and syndicated journalist Connie Schultz are a proud modern couple who maintain separate careers. It’s rare that the two do a public event together, although both are outspoken in support of similar progressive ideas and causes.

But they will be speaking together at Trinity Cathedral to kick off its bicentennial speaker series, featuring nationally known “thought leaders.” “Speakers will cast a vision for an inclusive future where divisions are overcome by affirming abundance in the midst of scarcity, faith in the context of pluralism, and unity in a world of diversity,” according to the publicity.

The conversation will be moderated by Trinity Cathedral Dean Tracey Lind and will take place in the nave. It’s free and open to all.



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