Abandoned Cleveland: A look inside the Fifth Christian Science Church


What’s in that curious rotunda at W. 117th and Lake Ave.? Local photog Christopher Beale went on a private tour of The Fifth Christian Science Church and took  a series of stunning photos showcasing what remains inside this structure, which may or may not end up demolished.


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10 Responses to “Abandoned Cleveland: A look inside the Fifth Christian Science Church”

  1. I hate to see well built well crafted stuff get leveled BUT HOW viable is it..IN EVERY sense of the word..WE have way too many buildings,not enough uses,not enough money,tooo much BAD political baggage (DIMORA DEBACLE),etc. WE JUST barely got rid of AMERITRUST bldg…I HATE saying this but FINALLY DOWN to whichever interests,etc.have a use,big enough PR megaphone,and money to finish the project…

    TIME will tell whether MED MART,shale oil,casino are the saviors…rest of the much publicized wannabe Saviors are too nuanced,subject to technology/social changes to be relied upon…

    MAYBE being a kiljoy but…LOOK at STANLEY bldg…THAT poor puppie LOOKED like THAT FOR THIRTY YEARS that I could remember when I worked downtown…I HATED to see THAT go but FINALLY no one had enough money,use for that and well the FORCES against were too much to overcome….

    MAYBE could save some of the edifices,,etc.BUT…( here U go Detroil Ave.antique stores..or anyone else willing to step up to the plate)….

    ROLE FOR BIG $ FOUNDATIONS,other to FINALLY throw some money into cleaning up this stuff…DEMOLITION of real wrecks..lets face it…NEED to level some stuff or more then a few… EVERYONE would sign up for that… banks,burbs,surviving Cleveland property owners,etc. HECK..could make a contest of it..whoever can come up with semi better way to level the mess (concerns more standard A frame houses..) wins prize money…Yeah gotta play ball with demo services..THEY can lose out in this tooo…CITY could go broke on em..(FEELS like it every time I LOOK AT OWN property tax stub)…

    LANDbank has way more property then could ever use…ALMOST to a DETROIT DISASSEMBLED level… level the wrecks,fill in basements,fling seed/plant some fast growing creekbed poplar trees and call it a day…WHAT else can one do…

  2. A WASTE…HAVE to ask..WHY did congregants leave…SERIOUSLY..YEAH a OLD bldg needing maintenance..AND LOT MORE now…semi shocked seats left..I GUESS NOT able to find ANOTHER church,use at THE TIME…GOT SOME SERIOUS MARBLE,stone,etc.in here…

    THAT area..ACTUALLY in STILL nice area..well NICER…bizarre crazyquilt pattern in that area far as building conditions, demographics,etc. EDGEWATER area holding up…BUT THAT has its OWN dynamic….

  3. WOULD have restorers,Pawnstar type deals come in,look place over,make bids… what else can one do..

  4. THIS film clip…EXACTLY like the movie DETROIT DISASSEMBLED… ANOTHER question…HOW many YUPPIES are there to rehab,buy all this? SERIOUSLY… HOW much new stuff running around with for sale,for rent signs on em…SUPPOSEDLY DOWNTOWN housing is hot… CAN one even get ANY bank or gov $ for THIS project redo…I HAVE SERIOUS doubts…NOT with the Fiscal CLiff and other crisises going on…

  5. On demolitions…OLD simple A frame homes..especially in already semi cleaned out areas..LEVEL..crunch up using tree shredders. May as well reclain wood if can and reuse for plywood,woodstove fuel chips or any other use… OR just shove it all in hole,cover over,plant seed and let a Parkworks,Metroparks,etc.manage the mess..or let MOWERGOAT go in…Im SERIOUS..IS SUCH a thing… LA is using that…THEY just have too much greenspace of all kinds to have guyz with mowers run around..THEY use it all over there…kudzo,vines,mulch,etc.to control area as best as can… Hey.. URBAN farming..figure THAT would appeal… occasionally some coyote or car nails a goat..Oh well…life.,. IF anyone has any better ideas let me know…WE are sorta already there…SEEN goats in the hoods..and HEAR the chickens… Hey…get milk,food and get rid of the bugs (chickens eat bugs as well as grain…).

    LISTEN…MIRACLE city can cough up money for cops,bond issues,etc.OR muster enough effort to deal with all this…LIMITS as to what hood develop assoc. can do…..

  6. LIMITS as to how many Yuppies,hippies,other that have any money &/or moxie to deal with all this stuff…. CONSIDERING WHA seen on some of the streets in some of the hoods I am being tame and mild here in what I just said…thou relative handful that do stuff that makes rest of us pause…

    Hey…HAVE DEMOLITION DAY…GOOD,BAD,UGLY… as one reporter said..AMAZING AMOUNT of PORN mags,etc.that were flying around when place leveled… IMAGINE THAT wild dash for said… BE THANKFUL IF ONLY thing find… SURE seen,heard stuff in places..leave that alone…

  7. LISTEN…THAT is size of a APARTMENT building already… put yourselves in shoes of those who just rehabbed thier expensive projects… for that matter HOW much TAX money was contributed to said via historic tax creds….

  8. CITY? PLAY it be the book…and probably only gonna get worse..FEAR it all and quite frankly cant blame..HOW many lawyers in THIS ‘town’…gads…and HAD those bldg inspectors who got nailed in investigations and serving time,paid restitution.thou BY NOW probably out of jail…and had to find a new gig…TALKING FELONY level here..if remember the stories or money involved correctly..

  9. LOOK at the hoods… WHA is FIRST thing do…motion detectorlights,etc.etc. OR FENCE…or dog..leave a place for a wk and missing plumbing,etc. IF Have a place TO go back to…. folks LIKE to burn stuff down… ranks up there with graffiti as a pasttime… THOU THE ONE clown who got CAUGHT was a burbite…who said EXACTLY word for word..”its a ghetto..who cares!?”…SOMEHOW a GRAFFITI GURU GAME ROOM seems WORSE alternative far as rehab UNLESS spares the rest which TEND to doubt…

    ASK any insurance company bout FIRES and rural cabins…

  10. I HATED to dominate the @ discussion here BUT needs to be said..YEahhh all this has been said before….STILL….PUT this ANOTHER way…a RELATIVELY RECENT shopping ctr GOT leveled and NEW one taking its place..and HOW many storefronts sitting empty?… heck..RISER CLOSED their store..have to ask em why…

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