Graham Veysey Responds to Cool Cleveland’s Questions
Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012, will be an important election for Ohio and the country. Not only will Cuyahoga County be electing a new Prosecutor (see Cool Cleveland’s questions to Prosecutor candidates here), but they will also be electing a member to the House of Representatives from the newly created 9th Congressional District, which stretches along Lake Erie from Toledo to Cleveland. Because the new district contains heavily Democratic voters, the primary on March 6 will most likely determine who is elected in November.
Three candidates are in the race: Representative Dennis Kuchinich, Representative Marcy Kaptur, and Graham Veysey. All three have been invited to answer a few questions from Cool Cleveland that we plan to publish prior to the election.
Please use a maximum of 700 words total to answer the following two questions:
Congressional Representative Candidate Graham Veysey responds:
Question A: Observers have noted that all three candidates for the new 9th District share many positions and stands on issues. What differentiates you from your two opponents?
I bring a fresh approach and fresh ideas to this race and will do the same when I am sent to Congress. My opponents have been politicians for a combined 70 years. They are out of touch with what is happening in Northern Ohio and represent the broken Congress. Congress is broken because they’ve gotten us into a $15 trillion debt that compromises investments we need to make in economic recovery, education, energy and the environment. In order to address that problem, I think we need to implement the Bipartisan Debt Commission recommendations. My opponents refuse to support those recommendations.
My opponents also differ with me on women’s reproductive rights and STEM cell research. I am PRO-CHOICE and think that investment in STEM Cell research is necessary to advance the American healthcare system. Despite Congresswoman Kaptur being the longest serving woman in Congress, she is also the longest serving anti-choice and anti-women’s reproductive rights member of Congress. That dated worldview is relevant as we see the attack from Columbus and special interest groups on women’s rights. Congressman Kucinich has never been consistent on the issue.
I also differ with Congressman Kaptur and Kucinich with regards to experience. They are experienced politicians. My experience is as a small business owner and entrepreneur.
It is time to give someone else a chance. It is time for a fresh face with fresh ideas.
1. Jobs: We can’t let the economic recovery bypass this region.
2. Fiscal Crisis – $15 trillion Debt: We compromise investments we need to make in infrastructure, the economy, education, energy and the environment unless we address the fiscal crisis that we’re in. In 10 years, it will grow to $26 trillion.
3. Education: 75% of Ohioans are not ready to start school because of the lack of focus we’ve given early childhood development. Less than 50% of our kids are enrolled. We need to do more to ensure that we take care of our children. The same old, same old is not working.