Congressional Candidates Respond to Cool Cleveland’s Questions

Congressional Candiates Marcy Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich & Graham Veysey Respond to Cool Cleveland’s Questions

Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012, will be an important election for Ohio and the country. Not only will Cuyahoga County be electing a new Prosecutor (see Cool Cleveland’s questions to Prosecutor candidates here), but they will also be electing a member to the House of Representatives from the newly created 9th Congressional District, which stretches along Lake Erie from Toledo to Cleveland. Because the new district contains heavily Democratic voters, the primary on March 6 will most likely determine who is elected in November.

Three candidates are in the race: Representative Marcy Kaptur, Representative Dennis Kuchinich, and Graham Veysey. All three have been invited to answer a few questions from Cool Cleveland that we plan to publish prior to the election.


Please use a maximum of 700 words total to answer the following two questions:

Question C: What procedures and techniques will you put in place to ensure that you are able to fully & fairly represent the two vastly disparate urban regions: Toledo & Cleveland?

Question D: Name the top three issues that affect Toledo specifically, and the top three issues that affect Cleveland specifically, and why.

Click here for the responses from Marcy Kaptur

Click here for the responses from Dennis Kucinich

Click here for the responses from Graham Veysey


Please use a maximum of 700 words total to answer the following two questions:

Question A: Observers have noted that all three candidates for the new 9th District share many positions and stands on issues. What differentiates you from your two opponents?
Question B: If elected to serve the new 9th District, what are three most important issues you would first pursue.




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One Response to “Congressional Candidates Respond to Cool Cleveland’s Questions”

  1. NO comments …YET…woooooooooooooow…MAYBE THAT is a ‘comment’…

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