VIDEO: Fulfilling Your Mission with Jeff Nischwitz

Thu 9/9 7:30AM – noon

One Relationship at a Time

Jeff Nischwitz knows that “the times they are a’changin'” for non-profits, with reductions in donations and increased pressure on fundraising. But Nischwitz’s approach is to develop your relationships, and “friend-raise” instead. In these days of desperate “transactional” approaches, Jeff coaches on how non-profits can become more “relational.”

Watch the video interview with Thomas Mulready of Cool Cleveland, and get ready for Nischwitz’s groundbreaking seminar, “Fulfilling Your Mission… One Relationship at a Time,” on Thu 9/9 at the Boy Scouts HQ in Downtown Cleveland, and find out how you can “Get Jeffed!” Watch the video here, then register here for the seminar on Thu 9/9, and read his blog here.

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