New Doubting Thomas Show Highlights Walkabout Tremont

Fri 6/14 @ 6-10PM

Walkabout Tremont’s summer season is in full swing with plenty going on in the street — vendors lining Professor Avenue, street performers, and more.

Doubting Thomas gallery will be opening a new shot called Luxuries of Being, featuring the work of two veteran area artists, painter/printmaker/digital new media artist John Saile and photography/digital new media artist Stephen Calhoun. It will include both old and new works.

“Our young-at-heart artworks are at once exploratory and accessible, direct and occult, wise and naïve,” they say. “We’re close friends and we hope the work vibrates together with the spirit of affinity and friendship.”

There’ll also be the usual specials at the neighborhood’s plethora of restaurants and bars.


Cleveland, OH 44113

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