Poets Respond to Art at Heights Arts’ Ekphrastacy

Thu 4/18 @ 7-8PM

Ekphrastacy is a word that’s not in most people’s vocabularies, unless they’re a regular patron of Heights Arts. And no, they didn’t make it up out of thin air: “ekphrasis” refers to a vivid description of something, usually a work of art.”

At Heights Arts, the event, which is hosted during the run of each show in its gallery, is hosted by its poet laureate, currently Siaara Freeman, who enlists other area poets to respond to the art on view. This month, with Irrational Objects: Backwards Into the Future, an exhibit based on surrealist themes, on view, guest poets Beks Freeman, Carrie George and Philip Metres will most likely be exploring their personal surrealist inclinations and trying to provide listeners with some intriguing new ways of looking at the art.

The evening is free and open to all.


Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

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