Making Waves

We’re getting smarter, too. CLE is in the Top 5 cities in the growth of workers with advanced degrees. And Alex instructs on 8 business lessons from Boardwalk Empire. Breastfest turns 13, the Euclid Tavern re-opens, Apollo’s Fire celebrates Bach’s birthday early, the Beachland hosts Coit Road Farmers Market’s Taste of Autumn and Franz doubles down on the 216.
Rock the boat on your own by firing up the new CoolCleveland.com on any desktop or mobile device you can get your hands on: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Kindle, tablet or pad. Explore Cool Neighborhoods, ShopLOCAL, discover the coolest events, view the coolest videos. Time to dive right in. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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NightLight is just one more thing to add onto Akrons Cool List. This indie cinema lounge opened up earlier in July in Akrons Historic Arts District, and boy has it been rockin. See films like God Help the Girl or Starred Up, and treat yourself to a truly unique cinematic experience.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with NightLights Kurtiss Hare, who filled us in on all of the details. Kurtiss explained how the organization Akron Film and Pixel opened up the cinema with funds supplied by The Knight Foundation. The place is great, so stop in and see a flick tonight.
Ready to make some waves with your online advertising? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Think & Drink with the Extinct Meet friends for The Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s third Wednesday happy hour. October’s Get Hooked is all about the science behind fly fishing. See experienced anglers craft lures that mimic nature. Try your hand at casting lines and find out what anglers carry in their vests on Wed 10/15 at 5PM. CMNH.org.

Last year’s first annual Heights Music Hop, on Lee Road in Cleveland Heights, was perfection.
Gorgeous fall weather made it a perfect evening for hopping from business to business, catching the jazz combos, rock bands, and singer/songwriters playing in places like Mitchell’s Chocolates and Stone Oven Bakery that don’t normally have music…
More from Anastasia Pantsios here
SPONSORED: Don’t be Spooked at The Kent Stage Experience Spirits of the Cuyahoga Walk on Fri 10/10 & Sat 10/11 and a Downtown Kent Ghost Walk on Fri 10/10; Catch An Evening With Bruce Hornsby on Fri 10/17; Hear the CD release party by New Moon Rising and friends on Fri 10/24; Americana favorites The Jayhawks on Fri 10/31; plus shows by Alex Bevan, Glass Harp, and Al Stewart. Find more at TheKentStage.com.

Drink Local Drink Tap’s Inaugural “Splash Party” is going to be making waves this weekend at the 5th St. Arcades with tons of dancing, eating, drinking, and beautiful African cultural performances. Make sure you head on over to support a good cause, and have the time of your life while doing it!
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with DLDT’s Executive Director, Erin Huber, and she gave us some background information on the organization. DLDT is a not-for-profit organization that inspires individuals to recognize and solve water issues through creative education, events, and providing safe water access to people in need.

We love seeing progress, and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District has certainly made some strides in the last year. Thanks to the Cleveland Plan, the turn-around that is already visible in CMSD schools is incredible.
CEO Eric Gordon took to the podium last week at their annual State of the Schools address and spoke on how CMSD is “shaking the status quo.” There is still plenty of work to be done, but it seems CMSD is accepting the challenge. Watch their insightful documentary A Year in Review and see the progress being made in our schools.

Click here for more News and Biz

Did you know? Visitors travel to Ohio and spend $29.9 billion each year. That saves Ohio households over $650 in state and local taxes! Lake County is at the top of that tourism growth chart. Why? Because of this:
Our easy access to Interstate 90 making Cleveland only 30 minutes away. Our charter airport. Our 27 Lake Erie beach access points including Ohios longest Lake Erie beach. Our James A. Garfield National Historic Site. Our championship golf courses. Holden Arboretum which is the nations 13th largest public garden. Read more here.

As two more anti-hero cable dramas wrap up their legacy — Mad Men next year & Boardwalk Empire this fall, it’s a bittersweet viewing experience watching Don Draper and Nucky Thompson dig their way into the psychological ground.
One thing that can’t be denied is all four men are phenomenal at business…
More from Alex Sukhoy here

Bernie Morenos Collection Auto Group has expanded all throughout Northeast Ohio and is now growing into the Boston area and Florida.
His auto dealerships use OneCommunitys Everstream service for mid- to large-size businesses to keep them running as smoothly as one of his fine luxury cars. The sales guys use iPads in the showroom, the mechanics connect each car to the internet for diagnostics, and Bernie uses Everstream to keep his expanding business running at top speed.
OneCommunity awarded Collection Auto Group with their Broadband Enterprise Innovation award, and Bernie talks with Cool Cleveland about how much he likes working with NEO-based OneCommunity. Everstream.net.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

The Browns won last weekend and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District is keeping the pride rolling with their fun Browns themed info graphics. Check out some of the quirky fun that NEORSD has been up to, all while learning about what’s underneath our feet. NEORSD does a great job at keeping our Great Lake clean, in addition to supporting the local community.
Did you know that the NEORSD sewers stretch over 300 miles, or 5,280 football fields? Take a peek at the graphic, and other fun sewer/football related facts. It’s Browns season, and NEORSD’s got your back.

Follow Cool Cleveland on Instagram and send us your photos. When sharing send your instagrams to instagram@coolcleveland.com. We’ll include your username in the description of the photo, so you can become internet famous.
Show us how you see Cleveland. Include photos of the city, pictures of delicious Cleveland food, photos of fun events, and anything else you think we would share. Happy hunting!

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

If you’re looking for a truly unique artistic experience you have to head on over to The Gallery at Old Stone to see their latest exhibition: Define Me by artist Stacy Gibboni. The exhibition is composed of over 1,000 words paired with captivating drawings that light up a room.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat had the opportunity to Skype with Artist Stacy Gibboni while she was in her studio in Venice. Stacy filled us in on her show and inspirations, in addition to some fun stories along the way. Stop at Old Stone, see her work, and thanks again Stacy!

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

WED 10/8
Come on, get hoppy at Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Hoppy Hour. Sip craft brew while chatting about hops & horticulture. Also: fire pits, lawn games & flashlight garden tours for the perfect autumn experience.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/8

THU 10/9
She’s Wearing White… is making its world premiere @ Cleveland Public Theatre. Step into a multi-sensory mosaic of lace & candles that investigates issues of purity, idealized femininity & sexual role-playing.
Click here for more events on Thu 10/9

FRI 10/10
Cheers! Cleveland Beer Week is here, bringing suds & hops all over CLE. Celebrate craft drafts w/ keg tappings, passport kick-off parties, a Rock & Brew Showcase, Offshore Pour, Can Jam, Brewzilla & more.
Click here for more events on Fri 10/10

SAT 10/11
Join CHANGE & help make a difference in the lives of local families while enjoying the party of the season. Enjoy food & drink from Chef Chris Hodgson w/ entertainment from GroundWorks DanceTheater & Wesley Bright and the Hi-Lights.
Click here for more events on Sat 10/11

SUN 10/12
YUM. Enjoy vegan comfort food cooked by local vegan comfort food expert & author Tamasin Noyes @ No Whey Vegan Sweets. RSVP to sink your teeth into Creamy Dreamy Secret Recipe Mac & Cheeze, BBQ Seitan Cutlet & more goodness.
Click here for more events on Sun 10/12

MON 10/13
Spend the evening drinking wine & painting pictures @ PlayhouseSquare. Meet new friends at Wine & Canvas while professional artists show you how to create a masterpiece.
Click here for more events on Mon 10/13

TUE 10/14
Hardly anyone embodies the spirit of New Orleans music more than the tandem of producer/songwriter/pianist/Rock Hall inductee Allen Toussaint and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, who will be performing at the Music Box Supper Club.
Click here for more events on Tue 10/14

WED 10/15
Another season of the Metropolitan Opera’s Live in HD broadcasts just in the nick of time for opera-starved Clevelanders. The first offering is Verdi’s Macbeth, featuring operatic superstar Anna Netrebko.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/15
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

For me, summer is officially over when I can no longer get a juicy, sweet, red watermelon. The one I purchased today rated only a five on a scale of one-to-ten.
My love of watermelon is so strong that I’ve been known to rush the season and occasionally buy one in April or May when they first appear in stores…
Read this story and others from Mansfield Frazier here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Waterloo Brew Opens for October Walk All Over Waterloo by Anastasia Pantsios
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Walk All Over Waterloo Celebrates the Completed Streetscape & Grand Opening of Waterloo Brew
Thank you Sarah Gyorki for bringing your lighting down on this neighborhood 12 years ago!…
Martha Ferrazza
Engage Cleveland Gears Up for Cleveland Young Professionals Week
Heres a song I wrote a few years ago to emphasize some of Clevelands uniqueness and why its great to start a business and family here in the city…
Dee Jay Doc Harrill
DURSTIN: There Will Be No October Surprises in This Year’s Elections
It’s probably worth considering how Clevelands Men Behind The Curtain, our local corporate and institutional “leaders,” have undermined the region’s once-consequential Democratic leadership with their obsession with buying candidates and issues who will serve their parochial ends…
John J. Polk
Larry, anyone who claims that a Secretary of State is guilty of “voter suppression” because that SOS has created standardized voting dates and times across all 88 Ohio counties, with BOEs open every business day one month out from election day — with vote by mail in place, no less! — is, well, insane…
Allen Freeman
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) VIDEO: Clem Hamilton of Holden & Natalie Ronayne of CBG Explain It All
3) The Sinister Slithers into Strongsville
4) Cleveland Heights Bitcoin Boulevard Hosts Premier of Bitcoin Film at Cedar Lee
5) @EngageCleveland Gears Up for Cleveland Young Professionals Week

A wave & a hat tip to our wonderful writers: Marty Bielat, Samantha Fletcher, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Anastasia Pantsios, Alex Sukhoy, Sarah Valek & Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Get in the pool,
–Thomas Mulready

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