
Cycling exemplifies the new NEO. NEOcycle represents how far we’ve come. A pannier full of rides, races, and radically great local music, bringing our town around to the top of the biking heap. At least for this weekend. We’ll see you at The Hub and on the night ride.
Rounding 10 is Ingenuity, and this proud co-papa will be here, there and everywhere. Look for the CC.com banner and chat with our peeps. We’re showing off our new responsive site, so bring down your favorite mobile device and see how all the glory of our region looks when you hold it in your hand. Find us as always at CoolCleveland.com on any device. Roll with it. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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Every now and then, we all get a Ben Franklin or Thomas Edison moment where while driving or brushing our teeth or even dreaming we come up with a great invention.
For Cleveland resident Tyler Lacor, his idea for a pocket all-in-one 30-plus function tool seemed more like a calling than a fleeting dream.
The result is the EDC Card: The Ultimate Everyday Carry Pocket Multi-Tool, which is a high quality S35VN blade steel that can do literally everything…
More from John Benson here
Your online advertising cycle starting up again? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Canton native Macy Gray has always been proud of her Northeast Ohio roots. As a special thank you to her local supporters, the soul/R&B superstar has announced a show at the Music Box, Wed 10/01 @ 8:00pm, that features buy one, get one free tickets. Buy now.

The days of eating at chain restaurants are gone, with some help of course, from Clevelands coolest restaurant organization: Cleveland Independents. Cleveland Independents is an organization consisting of more than 80 Cleveland chef power houses that centers its focus on promoting eating local.
CoolCleveland Correspondent Marty Bielat met up with one of the organizations members, Chef Jonathan Bennett, at his new steak house, Red, in order to discuss the issues. Jonathan told us all about the organization, its members, and their very famous Restaurant Week which takes place during the first two weeks of November. Keep up the good fight Jonathan!

Since the Cleveland Metroparks took over Edgewater Park, the place has been hopping all summer long, with weekly music, food and fun events.
It’s capping the season with a first-time event, the NEOCycle Music Fest — and they’ve snagged some terrific local talent for the two-stage affair, which is part of a three-day bicycle event starting Friday with events at the Cleveland Velodrome…
More from Anastasia Pantsios here

John Waters is a master of serving up everything you never knew you wanted.
A writer, director, actor, artist, host and collector, Waters pushed the boundaries in 1970s cinema with shocking (and sometimes revolting) dark comedies that tickled the taboo. Creating funny films of the forbidden, Waters often presents bombastic characters in preposterous situations.
Now the forerunner of feculence will pass along his irreverent wisdom and extraordinary life experiences in a 75-minute monologue This Filthy World: Filthier and Dirtier at the CIA Cinematheque Sat 9/27…
More from Hollie Gibbs here

Click here for more News and Biz

Take your imagination to the next level, like these Clevelanders did, and create something with the Cleveland Public Library’s 3D printer. Located in the library’s famous “Tech Central,” this free-to-use 3D printer bridges the gap between technology and creativity right in the palm of your hands.
CoolCleveland Corespondent Marty Bielat met up with the Cleveland Brewery’s owners, John and Mary Fuduric, at Tech Central and heard their story. The couple created the tap handle with help from the library’s staff, Suzi Perez, using a 3D printer. Witnessing a new tap being built was astounding, and we captured it on film.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Clean water can be dirty work, but it’s critical to our region … This weekend youll have the opportunity to see how sewage is cleaned and safely returned to the environment as clean water. It’s all on display at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Districts open house! See where your water goes, and learn what steps keep our Great Lake clean.
In addition to the exploring the Southerly Wastewater Treatment Center in Cuyahoga Heights, there will also be lab tours, opportunities to get your hands dirty with hands-on experiments, chances to see science up-close with friends from the Greater Cleveland Aquarium, Great Lakes Science Centers Fab Lab, and Cleveland Metroparks NatureTracks, games, prizes, and even free ice cream for the kids. RSVP today.

Follow Cool Cleveland on Instagram and send us your photos. When sharing send your instagrams to instagram@coolcleveland.com. We’ll include your username in the description of the photo, so you can become internet famous.
Show us how you see Cleveland. Include photos of the city, pictures of delicious Cleveland food, photos of fun events, and anything else you think we would share. Happy hunting!

MetroHealth and CMSD are partnering to bring hands-on experiences to local high school students. The MetroHealth system is sponsoring education, internships and mentoring to students from Lincoln-West High School. The program, that will hopefully inspire the participants to follow a career in the medical field, is currently underway for 28 eager students.
All of the students participating in the program are juniors because the minimum time needed for the internship is two years. The juniors will attend monthly lectures by MetroHealth doctors on health care topics and careers, and when the summer hits, the students will be offered three-week internships at MetroHealth.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

WED 9/24
Share your expertise at NorTech’s Innovation UnConference, where audience members decide what to talk about.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/24

THU 9/25
The Fine Prints Fair is the city’s largest exhibition of fine prints. Looking for new artwork? The fest is free, so stop in & stroll through the many aisles of artists.
Click here for more events on Thu 9/25

FRI 9/26
Art & technology meet again at IngenuityFest, now going on ten years strong. And this year, of course, it’s bigger & better than ever, spilling over into the Rock Hall & Great Lakes Science Center. Photo by James Krouse.
Click here for more events on Fri 9/26

SAT 9/27
Stomp on grapes while reveling in the fruits of our local wineries at the Geneva Grape Jamboree, a big fest with small town charm. Taste fresh-squeezed grape juice, wine & everything grape.
Click here for more events on Sat 9/27

SUN 9/28
Women, speak your mind (if you want to — up to you!) every month at She Speaks’ open mic session @ Mahall’s. Hear revolutionary words & performances followed by cocktails & conversation.
Click here for more events on Sun 9/28

MON 9/29
It’s debate time. Stop by the Renaissance for a Cuyahoga County Executive Debate w/ candidates Armond Budish & Jack Schron. WCPN host and producer Rick Jackson will moderate.
Click here for more events on Mon 9/29

TUE 9/30
Delve into the paranormal at the book release party for America’s Most Haunted, written by two local authors. And, of course, the book is held in one of those most haunted places — Willoughby Coal & Supply.
Click here for more events on Tue 9/30

WED 10/1
Trinity Cathedral’s Brownbag Concert fall series launches its season with a pair of musicians familiar to regulars there. Jake & Sarah are both trained classical musicians living in upstate New York specializing in an instrument you don’t usually see at classical concerts: saxophone.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/1
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Virtually every time I give a speech or make a presentation at an event such as TEDxCle or PechaKucha, a number of bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young people approach me, business card in hand, gushing about how much they love what were doing with urban farming in Hough and offering to do some pro bono work.
The problem is, most of them, it turns out, are bullshitting me — as well as themselves…
Read this story and others from Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: 78th Street Studios Third Friday Artwalk – Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Cleveland Culinary Launch & Kitchen Open House – Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: CWRU Farm Harvest Fest – Anastasia Pantsios
REVIEW: Bite me! The Little Foxes eat grapes @ Cleveland Play House – Laura Kennelly
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) VIDEO: @IngenuityFest Is Back for Its Tenth Year, and Better Than Ever
3) DURSTIN: Ex-Clevelanders Ferry and Newsome Disgrace Themselves Over Race & Domestic Violence
4) VIDEO: Food, Fun and Music in Ashtabula Wine Country
5) CareerTOOLBOX #38: A Local Bands Record Deal Tipping Point

Much love to our writers: John Benson, Roy Berko, Marty Bielat, Samantha Fletcher, Hollie Gibbs, Mansfield Frazier, Anastasia Pantsios, Sarah Valek & Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
The cycle of life,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
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