Staying focused on the road ahead. We already see a lot of silver linings. We are all uniting to fight a common enemy, after a period of pulling apart into tribes. Finally, everyone is learning how to work from home and realizing that Internet technology should be a utility and a basic right. And by necessity, we are rediscovering the joy of the outdoors. This week, we point you to a myriad of outdoor activities.
Time to lighten up.–Thomas MulreadySUBSCRIBEPODCASTHELP Photo of Lorain County byThomas Mulready
Just last week, we highlighted yogi Marcia Camino of Pink Lotus Yoga, who adapted to the coronavirus outbreak by quickly developing new protocols to keep her studio clean and our community safe. A couple days later, with all yoga studios closed by government mandate, she responded by once again displaying her innate flexibility. Within hours, Marcia ramped up her online technology, conducted a beta test, and is now offering a free, live, interactive yoga class to anyone who is feeling the need.
In these stressful times, you don’t have to sit in the house and stare at your screen. It’s a great time to take a walk or a hike, and explore NE Ohio attractions such as Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland Cultural Gardens or the lakefront. And we’ve had such a mild winter, it’s likely we’ll see blossoms as soon as this week — the photo above was taken on March 21 a few years ago. Below we give you some ideas where to go.
Career Toolbox columnist Alex Sukhoy is a pro at working from home; as a consultant, she’s been doing it for years. Now, with millions of people being forced to do so for the first time, she’s generously sharing some of what she’s learned over the years, with her six tips for making your home function more effectively as an office space, whether permanently or temporarily.
The Who’s Your Mama Environmental film fest, sponsored by Kent’s Standing Rock Cultural Arts, is currently scheduled to take place Fri 4/17 at KSU. Even if it’s postponed, you can go ahead and submit your short (less than 10 minute) film and video now.
WED 3/18 Take a Beach Walk Mentor Headlands State Park has a mile-long sand beach that’s crowded with swimmers & sunbathers in the summer. In the early spring, you’ll share it with birds who touch down to enjoy the plants in the nature preserve areas.
THU 3/19 Get Some Fresh Air at CLE Metroparks With 18 reservations, the Cleveland Metroparks offers places all over the county to take a a self-guided nature walk. With its visitor centers closed, snap some photos of the plants, birds & critters you spot, then go home and look them up.
FRI 3/20 Read a good bookAfter building Content Marketing Institute and the annual Content Marketing World, both based in Cleveland, founder Joe Pulizzi sold the business and started writing a small-town conspiracy thriller, The Will To Die, already garnering excellent reviews.Spend Some Time by the Water The perfect place to enjoy the beauty of changing light over the water.
SAT 3/21 Watch Spring Unfold at Holden Arboretum With a mild winter, spring is coming early, so each day is a new day at the Kirtland facility where flowers and shoots are starting to emerge and plants such as the pictured red osier dogwood aren’t hidden in curtains of leaves.
SUN 3/22 Absorb Culture & History at Cultural Gardens Many people only see the Cleveland Cultural Gardens from a car window as they speed down MLK Boulevard. It’s time to stop & explore the 33 gardens dedicated to cultures ranging from Albanian to Vietnamese to African-American (pictured).
MON 3/23 Go Outside and Prep Your Garden With warmish weather in the forecast, you can use your downtime at home to clean up your yard, turn and compost your garden and even plant some early crops such as peas, radishes, spinach, kale & collards. All good for your health too!
TUE 3/24 Observe Wildlife at Cuyahoga Valley National Park Its 32,600 acres in Summit County offer 125 miles of hiking trails and numerous back country areas such as Beaver Marsh where you can watch river otters cavort at dawn.
WED 3/25 Explore the Sprawling Lake View CemeteryLake View Cemetery, founded in 1869, is the final resting place of many Cleveland legends. It’s also filled with wildlife, trees, flowers, geological formations, statures and architecture to enjoy on leisurely walks.
Biden’s PivotEven though Biden might come up a bit short in the eyes of these true progressives, Bernie’s supporters need to view the election of the former vice president as potentially the starting point of a long journey towards “progressive capitalism,” a term that is more palatable than socialism but in reality… READ MORE
It must be particularly dispiriting for diehard Bernie supporters to have to come to the realization that although their candidate is morally and philosophically right, he is not going to become the Democratic nominee for president, and for good reason… READ MORE
While adhering to the new guidelines, musicians are finding ways to celebrate the season, mark the holidays and sing out for their neighbors and friends.