Queer Prom at Near West Theatre Is for Teens Who Feel Like Outsiders at Their School

Sat 6/15 @ 6-10PM

I’ve never understood which people who were high school outsiders — goths, punk, LGBTQ, or just unpopular — get so nostalgic about the prom they didn’t attend. I didn’t attend mine. I went bike riding to the beach that day and still remember how beautiful the light was and how free I felt. I wouldn’t have felt that way in an awkward dress trying to make small talk with people I had little in common with.

But there you go. Some people feel like they missed something. So the LGBT Center of Great Cleveland and Near West Theatre have joined forces to host Queer Prom at Near West Theatre to make sure that LGBTQ teenagers today have a party to go to where they don’t feel ostracized and they can make happy memories. The free annual event for youth between 14 and 19 is open to any kid who wants to be themself, dress as they feel comfortable, and bring who they like or come solo and make some real friends outside their high school clique.

The theme is Enchanted Forest (apparently it’s a thing to have prom themes), which is wide open to interpretation and different creative looks. Go here for more information.


Cleveland, OH 44102

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