VIDEO: Marquette Williams: Leading Change in the Ohio Film Industry

CoolCleveland correspondent Liv Ream interviews Marquette Williams: director, writer and producer of Studio Zero. Studio Zero is a creative co-op workspace that opened in 2019, offering on-the-job training in the film industry and apprenticeship programs through the nonprofit iFilm 216.

The studio houses a full production space complete with a staging area, post-production department, set construction department, music studio and equipment rentals.

Originally from Ohio, Marquette honed his craft in California before returning to Cleveland. The workforce development he initiated aims to uplift minorities and women in his community.

Learn more about what Studio Zero and iFilm 216 offer here


Liv Ream is the Arts and Entertainment Editor for the University of Akron publication The Buchtelite, founded in 1889. She  is majoring in Public Relations and spends her time writing, painting, and forcing her friends to participate in her experimental horror projects. Liv plans on pursuing a career in journalism and the arts.





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