Tommy Amato Rock Relief Benefits Air Personality/Karaoke Host Lisa Dillon

Sun 6/4 @ 2-7PM

Two decades ago, when Cleveland drummer Tommy Amato was fighting cancer, a host of his fellow Cleveland musicians came together and held a benefit for him. Since then, he’s organized an annual event called Tommy Amato Rock Relief, each year finding another member of the local music community who needs similar assistance. This year’s is #19.

The recipient is Lisa Dillon-Amato (no relation), well known in the area from her years as a radio air personality and a karaoke night host along with her husband, Frank Amato (vocalist for the band Beau Coup). She’s been undergoing treatment for breast cancer; they caught it early and she’s doing well but of course there are expenses involved.

The event will take place at Slim & Chubby’s in Strongsville, where Raymond Carr will emcee at show featuring three tribute bands: Shadow of Doubt (Tom Petty), Talk of the Town (Pretenders) and the Mister Breeze Band (Lynyrd Skynyrd).  There’ll also be raffle items and a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction to bid on and door prizes. It’s a $25 donation at the door and if you can’t be there, you can donate directly here.

Tommy Amato Rock Relief


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