Celebrate National Siamese Cat Day!

Wed 4/6

There are so many of days dedicated to cats, it’s like cats made up the calendar.

National Siamese Cat Day. National Cat Day is October 29; there are also days dedicated to black cats, feral cats, ginger cats, senior cats and tabbies, and a World Spay Day to remind people that spaying/neutering your cat prevents many generations of excess kittens. There’s even a “Dress Up Your Pet Day,” but most cats we know would take a dim view of that.

One we especially like is National Siamese Cat Day because we’ve been suckers for these beautiful, sociable, inquisitive cats since going to see the movie Lady and the Tramp as a child and hearing those fateful words “We are Siamese if you please, we are Siamese if you don’t please.” We please VERY much. And no, they’re not evil sinister or plotting. They just want to run your life.

Want one? You can rescue! Go here.

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One Response to “Celebrate National Siamese Cat Day!”

  1. Dolores Gray

    Siamese Cats are beautiful 🐾 ❣️❣️❣️

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