MANSFIELD: That Knock at the Door

Some former Americans — and I call them that because of their traitorous behavior, which to my mind forfeits any claim they might pretend to hold on citizenship  — are about as nervous as a bunch of ’hos in church at the moment. They shakin’ in their shit-kicking cowboy boots and Doc Martens — they’re poo-pooing in their cammo pants right about now.

Waiting on that knock on the door is a bitch. Trust me, from long-past experiences, I do know.

But now I’m talking about those mentally addled, delusional dudes and dudettes who now have starring roles in history since their mugs are on the news nightly as the FBI begins slow walking these false patriots down. You can almost hear the footsteps getting louder and louder as the noose tightens around their scrawny little necks.

They wanted the limelight, now they got it. But as the old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for.” I can tell you which rednecks won’t be going to anymore rallies anytime soon: Those insurrectionists that invaded the Capitol Building, clowned for the camera, and now have their mugs hanging on post office walls and on the sides of bus shelters. They’re going to be afraid of going anywhere they might be recognized. If they can find a hole in the ground some of them would crawl right in it. Upon capture they might try to put on a brave front, but their mind(s) is going, “Dude, you shoulda thought this shit through better!”

While some of the malefactors will act like cornered rats when approached by the FBI, others, considering themselves to be made of sterner stuff, will act brave and tough it out. Staying true to the Stars and Bars. While that degree of fealty to stupidity might indeed sound noble, now is not a good time to be behind bars. Not that anytime is, since it ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun.

Of late we’ve seen more and more lawyers attempting to persuade judges to allow their convicted clients to serve their sentences at home so they might stay safe from Covid-19, but that argument, in most cases, falls on deaf ears. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

The problem is one of precedence. After the Civil War we not only let all of the traitors off the hook for their crimes — the country even built monuments, statues, and buildings with their names emblazoned across the front. These latter-day rabble-rousers really believe in their tiny little heart of hearts they will one day be recognized as the vanguard that saved democracy. They’ve built this fantasy world, and on January 6 they tried to move into it — and they did for about three hours.

Now what should happen is that a new law be enacted to strip insurrectionists of their citizenship upon conviction, and 10 years after they get out of prison, they can apply for reinstatement as a citizen in good standing in the United States of America. If they so desire.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn

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One Response to “MANSFIELD: That Knock at the Door”

  1. Peter Lawson Jones

    Four extremely thoughtful commentaries, Mansfield. The fourth had just the right touch of sarcasm. After January 6th, we all needed a little smile.

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