Sustainable Cleveland Holds Zoom Public Quarterly Meeting

Wed 6/17 @ 4:30PM

The decade-long Sustainable Cleveland 2019 initiative to raise awareness and develop environmentally friendly programs for the city, as well as to address environmental justice, drew to an end with its final Summit last fall. But that doesn’t mean the effort is over. The many events, discussions and proposals that occurred those ten years — each devoted to another aspect of sustainability — spawned ongoing programs that have take root in the community.

On Wednesday June 17 Sustainable Cleveland will hold its first virtual quarterly meeting, which is open to the public. Meet the new Cleveland chief of sustainability Jason Wood, who assumed the job at the beginning of 2020, and hear what’s going on with the projects that are already launched and what else is in the works. There’ll also be an update on the COVID-19 situation, the city’s recycling plans and what they call “our changing relationship with plastic.”

To register for the Zoom meeting, go here.



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