Cleveland Native Dave Hill Explores His Canadian Roots in New Book

Sat 12/21 @ 7:30PM

Cleveland-born Dave Hill, now living in New York City, is a comedian, musician (locally he played with Sons of Elvis and Cobra Verde), composer, podcaster and prankster who, according to Wikipedia, “was permanently banned from Twitter after he repeatedly responded to attacks from Trump supporters with jokes about having sexual intercourse with their mothers and, in some cases, their fathers.”

He’s also an author/journalist/essayist who’s published a couple of collections of his work. He’s now got a new book out called Parking the Moose: One American’s Epic Quest to Uncover His Incredible Canadian Roots, in which he explores his one-quarter Canadian heritage background, thanks to a grandfather from Ontario from whom he’d heard since childhood what a special place Canada was. He credits that with his preference for hockey, Canadian bacon and the band Triumph.

Recently he traveled all over Canada, meeting Canadians and doing Canadian things. He says the result is “the greatest Canada-based literary thrill ride of your lifetime.”

Come see if he’s telling the truth when he appears at Tremont’s Visible Voice Books. The event is free.



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