Art Show “Quantum” @ Negative Space Gallery Explores Unseen Worlds and the Subconsious

Sat 12/21 @ 5-7PM

The Negative Space Gallery in Asian Town Center will be hosting QUANTUM: The Work of Kheaven Joseph Kristo, set to open Sat 12/21 with a reception from 5-7pm.

The Cleveland-based artist says that his works are “a conceptual adventure into the unseen worlds that we interact with on a daily basis” and “an attempt to better understand quantum reality and the subconscious.”

In the press release for the event, he refers to an incident which happened in May 2018 when, he says, hisbody “body was ejected from his vehicle in St. Cloud, MN travelling through the air at 140mph.” Somehow that led him to create an art van and move to Boston, before moving back to Cleveland to take up residency in the Asian Town Center. He says this will be the only time he’ll answer questions about this incident.

He’s previously curated shows and exhibited at Anatomy Nightclub + Ultralounge and SAYMO Collection in Kamm’s Corners. The show will be on view through Tue 1/21.


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