New England Singer/Songwriter Caroline Cotter Stops @ Oberlin’s Riverdog Barn

Fri 8/2 @ 7:30PM

Acoustic singer/songwriter/guitarist Caroline Cotter hails from New England, as so many of her ilk do, but from a slightly off-the-beaten-track location: Portland, Maine.

A relative newcomer to the folk scene, she released her debut album Dreaming As I Do in 2015, and toured extensively, performing 700 in almost every state of the union. Over the years, she’s also traveled to almost three dozen countries on five continents. So it’s no surprise that one of the thematic strands on her new album Home on the River is wanderlust.

Come hear her reflections on her aspirations, her family and the places she’s been when she performs at Riverdog Barn in Oberlin.

Opening for her is Bridgetown Junction, the duo of veteran northeast Ohio songwriters Amanda Walsh and Rick Szekelyi, who have been working together since 2015, and released their first album in 2017, with another in the works.

Tickets are $15 at the gate; $5 for students with ID, kids 12 and under free. Feel free to bring a picnic basket and cooler!



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