Sat 4/6 @ 10:30AM
Monarch butterfly populations may be on the rise, but that does not mean our concern should cease. Climate change remains a threat to this beautiful species survival. Geauga Park District is offering a program that seeks to educate people on the continued plights and struggles of the monarch butterfly.
Expert naturalist Tami Gingrich will provide visual and factual information to remind everyone the importance of this unique creator. Featuring breathtaking videos showing thousands of butterflies at their overwintering sites, followed by a milkweed planting activity, attendees can enjoy this free opportunity. Milkweed plants may be taken home home to sprout, and can be left outside to encourage monarch new reproduction. Monarch caterpillars eat milkweed, so this plant is crucial to the species continued development.
Registration is not required for this program, which will take place on Sat 4/6 @ 10:30am to noon at the West Woods Nature Center.
[Written by Jenna Thomas]
Novelty, OH 44072