If you weren’t around for Cleveland’s legendary underground rock scene in the ’70s and early ’80s, here’s a chance to catch some of its key players when three bands with roots in that scene play at the Beachland Tavern.
X Blank X is another project from the feverish mind of John Morton (pictured), the brains behind the very strange Electric Eels, a Cleveland band who existed for a brief two-three years and played only a handful of shows, but whose legend has managed to grow with the years.
Home & Garden was founded back in the ’80s by the rhythm section from Pere Ubu — bassist Tony Maimone and drummer Scott Krauss. Krauss still leads the band and Maimone occasionally comes back from his east coast home to play with them. They’ve got some of the hypnotic musical magic of Pere Ubu, more of which was created by the musicians than lead singer David Thomas is frequently willing to credit. Ubuists Guitarist Tom Herman and synth/theremin player Robert Wheeler are also part of H&G, which is ably fronted by Keith Kornajcik.
Finally, Val Seeley, who booked the adventurous club the Pop Shop underneath the old Agora back in the early ’80s while fronting punk band Lurid, will open the show.
Admission is $12.