Stokes Defense Against Supreme Court Could Prove Costly for Her

By Larry Durstin

Earlier this month, the Disciplinary Council of the Ohio Supreme Court recommended that Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Angela Stokes be disciplined for “abusive treatment of nearly everyone who comes into her courtroom.” In their 49-page report, the Council asserts that Stokes “may be suffering from a mental illness” that impairs her performance and goes on to suggest that she should receive a psychiatric examination.

Stokes has vowed to fight such disciplinary action by the Ohio Supreme Court – a ruling which could result in her being forced off the bench. Mounting such a defense, however, could prove massively expensive. Although all Ohio judges are protected by an insurance policy that covers their legal expenses in cases involving disciplinary complaints, the insurer pays the expenses only if the judge is cleared of the wrongdoing.

A case in point is former Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge Deborah P. O’Neill, who was ordered to pay $587, 000 in legal fees after her failed attempt to fight disciplinary complaints similar to those faced by Stokes and submit to a mental health evaluation.  O’Neill’s law license was revoked and her career as a judge was ended. Should Stokes go down the same road – rather than admitting wrongdoing, submitting to the psychiatric evaluation and negotiating a settlement – she will likely lose the case, her career and a ton of money.

Stokes’ bizarre courtroom antics have been the worst-kept secret in legal circles for the 18 years she has been on the bench. Renown for putting people in holding cells for coughing in court, wearing certain colognes or closing courtroom doors too loudly, she also is known for — among a number of other judicial excesses — ordering additional background checks on defendants she has already sentenced and whose cases have been resolved. In 2012, she ordered 183 such post-sentencing reports. All of the other judges in the Cleveland Municipal Court ordered a total of four such reports.

One of the reasons Judge Stokes has been able to proceed unchecked despite numerous complaints against her is the political weight carried by her father Lou Stokes, a former congressman and local political powerbroker. Lou had a close relationship with long-time Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, who never took action against Judge Stokes despite a slew of complaints about her aberrant courtroom behavior. Well, Moyer died three years ago and has been replaced by Maureen O’Connor, who owes no such allegiance to Lou Stokes and, truth be told, probably couldn’t differentiate between him and Adam.

Chief Justice O’Connor and the Disciplinary Council waded through a load of written complaints against Stokes and watched hours of videotapes from her courtroom before issuing their decision. So, if you have any sense of justice, propriety or simple human decency, your heart must go out to those who were subjected to the viewing of those tapes– a task akin to eye-balling the discarded outtakes from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

Now, that may sound unduly harsh and I, of all people, would never make light of mental illness. But what makes it easier to make such a glib comparison is the sad fact that Judge Stokes egregious courtroom behavior has, for almost two decades, had a seriously negative impact on perhaps thousands of people’s lives. And everybody knows it. She’s a disgrace to the robe and, hopefully, will do the right thing by resigning, getting some help with her issues and going on with a productive life.

But, if we’re playing the blame game, please don’t forget all those members of the media (except the PD’s Mark Naymik), all those municipal judges and all those politicians who meekly allowed her circus act to slide by for so long, and who also warrant a degree of culpability. This is especially true of the exploitive local television stations who “cover” every cockamamie court proceeding this side of Sandusky, yet couldn’t find their way into Stokes’ Court of the Surreal for 18 years.

Without question Angela Stokes is the problem. But she’s had a legion of enablers along the way. Shame on them all.

Larry Durstin is an independent journalist who has covered politics and sports for a variety of publications and websites over the past 20 years. He was the founding editor of the Cleveland Tab and an associate editor at the Cleveland Free Times. Durstin has won 12 Ohio Excellence in Journalism awards, including six first places in six different writing categories.

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6 Responses to “Stokes Defense Against Supreme Court Could Prove Costly for Her”

  1. Bob Rosenfeld

    Go back to the obituaries written about judge Whitfield in Medina in the Medina County Gazette. After quoting all the things that Judge Whitfield had done (Brunswick Teachers, Beer Case Burglary Got 10 yrs), some one asked the attorney, why didn’t you say anything? The response was, when you shoot at the king you don’t miss. Our Benches are full of such judges who can’t be brought down because of political ties. However, just what kind of Bench would be have if the judges were appointed or merit selected? Better the ability to take down a judge using the media rather than appointments for life. A vote once every six years is still better than NO VOTE.

    On another (but similar) note: look at the Solon School Levy. Once again Regano has added the provisions that it is a continuing levy which has the effect of depriving the public of the ability to have a vote at its renewal. Must be nice to have that much respect for the voters.

    Robert {David Eden’s brother-in-law} Rosenfeld

  2. Larry Durstin

    We need more attorneys who are not afraid to miss.

  3. Ralph

    Good article. Horror stories about the behavior of Judge Stokes have been around for many years, it’s about time she got some treatment and help.

  4. Things happen,folks go to court,etc.IF ANY posterchild for any reason to TRY and live a straight,clean enough life I would say going into HER courtroom or any judges courtroom is reason enough…..THIS article should be put up in EVERY JUNIOR HS bldg. throughtout Cleveland…or that nation.

  5. I see a changing of the guard…..time will tell how much affect COLUMBUS has on all this…good,bad,’other’.

  6. Oh…FORBES…TIME will tell on ‘merger talks’. Have to look up a map of both cities in relation to the medical industrial complex over there of the big hospital chains but I would say that cant do much worse and may do better…Response to THAT industry probably would be same by a ‘combined’ city as well as by 2 existing cities. All I see is this ‘containment’ of this semi mess and everyone doing whatever til cop bullets,drugs,politico gerrymandering does it all in…Hate saying that but…Shovel what left of populace into half decent housing,expat out those that can and level what wrecks can find money for…

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