Avant-Garde Metal Band Meshuggah at House of Blues

Wed 2/20 @ 7:30PM

Scandanavia has produced an intriguing array of out on-the-ledge metal bands. But few have made music that’s both as intense and as complex as Sweden’s Meshuggah. Those of you with Jewish grandmas will recognize the Yiddish word for “crazy.” Some might say that introducing so many challenging musical elements into music so loud and bludgeoning that it will drive off most listeners one way or the other is crazy. Some might say that the amount of time the group spends recording and learning its tunes shows they’re a tad unbalanced. But Meshuggah clearly doesn’t care.

Unlike many extreme metal bands with their longevity (they formed in 1988), which have been through dozens of members, four of Meshuggah’s five members have been together since the early ’90s; the fifth has been with them since 2004. Loud music fans bored by repetitive riffs should jump at the chance to catch Meshuggah at the House of Blues.  Animals as Leaders and Intronaut are also on the bill. Tickets are $25 in advance, $28 at the door.



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