Dear community,
Lake Erie Ink would like you to know that the health and safety of the youth and communities we serve is our top priority. We have been monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and messages from the Centers for Disease Control, the State of Ohio, and the County Health Department. Below please find several updates about our programs and special events.
GIANT Bananagrams will be rescheduled
We want to spread literacy and creativity, not germs. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are cancelling our GIANT Bananagrams Tournament, which was scheduled for this Saturday, March 14. We will be rescheduling for later in the spring. We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to raising funds for Lake Erie Ink through this event and supporting youth voice, and we look forward to an amazing day of literacy play together soon.
Lake Erie Ink programs
For now, we are running all of our out of school time programs, unless the school district or organization we are working with cancels. For programs that take place at our location at the Coventry Peace Campus in Cleveland Heights (including Ink Spot and teen programs), we typically follow the lead of Cleveland Heights-University Heights school district. Cuyahoga County Health officials said there was no need to close any of those school buildings at this time. You can follow school closures on local TV news stations.
In the meantime, our staff and volunteers have been instructed to not come into work with even the slightest of symptoms, and we are following the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- When working with kids: avoid hand shaking, hand holding or games that require physically touching one another.
That’s it for now. Wash your hands, write a poem, and take care.
Sat 3/14 @ 12:30-4PM
For the 8th time, the nonprofit Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth is hosting its GIANT Bananagrams tournament fundraiser, taking place at the Cleveland Heights High School cafeteria.
Want to take part and help out a good cause? Get together a team of two-four players (adults and kids are both welcome) and sign up to play. Teams compete on a 30 x 30 foot scrabble-style board in front of a live audience with guest emcees revving up the onlookers. Teams need to work together and be quick-witted and quick on their feet.
Teams should sign up any time before 3/14, and then work to raise $500 to support Lake Erie Ink. If you don’t have a team or friends and family to donate $500, you can still come and join in the fun, cheer on the teams and enter raffles to win prizes — and hopefully be inspired to make a donation.
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