Author Talks About How Black Women Expanded the Right to Vote

Thu 10/22 @ 6PM

Historian Martha S. Jones is the author of the new book, Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All. Anyone who knows any black women probably can give you a simple answer: they work harder than anyone else. Jones’ book describes how this work unfolded over generations and 200 years in the service of expanding democracy. It’s out in time for the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote, something black women still had to continue to fight for despite the 19th amendment.

“African American Women and the Road from Suffrage to Voting Rights” is the topic of Jones’ lecture for the Case Western Reserve University’s Think Forum, in partnership with Case Western Reserve University History Associates and the Department of History. Of course, the lecture is virtually this year. It’s also free and open to all. Go here to register.

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