Saturdays & Sundays from 1-2PM, through Sun 10/30
There’s still time left in the season to enjoy the outdoors with your family, and in act, many plants and trees are in their glory at this time of year. Any Saturday or Sunday through Sun 10/3, take the kids to the Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Hershey Children’s Garden where, each week, there will be an hour-long activity focused on a different aspect of nature each week.
This weekend, it will be compost and worms and how worms help create compost (9/24/25) Next week (10/1-2) it will be herbs which will hopefully get them so excited they’ll beg you to bring them back the following Saturday 10/8 for the Western Reserve Herb Society’s annual Herb Fair. On 10/8-9, they’ll learn about animal habitats, and on 10/15-16 about leaves and presumably why they’re turning colors now. On 10/22-23 it’s all about food and the harvest and on the final weekend, 10/29-30, it’s Halloween — wear your costumes!
The programs are free with regular admission ($11 for adults, $6 for kids 3-12) and no registration is required. The Hershey Children’s Garden reopens in March 2017.