Tremont Neighborhood Benefit Offers a Variety of Events Take Part In

Sat 10/14 @ 3PM-11PM

Sun 10/15 @ 9AM

The Celebrate Tremont benefit for such Tremont-area programs as Arts in August, the Farmers Market, Walkabout Tremont, the Tremont Arts and Cultural Festival, and the neighborhood’s block clubs is a multilevel event: you can participate in all or part of it, depending on your wallet and your interests.

It starts with a family-friendly event in Lincoln Park at 3pm with games such as kickball and hide-and-seek, and hotdogs and hamburgers. At 6pm there’s a dinner at Prosperity Social Club with a fish fry dinner, dessert, drink tickets and a raffle and auction. Or come by at 9pm for dessert and cocktails and a crack at the raffles and auctions.

The next morning there’ll be a coffee-and-donuts event at the Lincoln Park Gazebo to honor Bob and Nancy Holcepl of neighborhood mainstay Civilization Coffee for more than 27 years.

Sign up for the events here.


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