Fri 10/19 @ 5-10pm
What’s more Cleveland than kielbasa? (OK, maybe pierogis).
And where’s a more appropriate place to find them than Slavic Village where the Second Annual Kielbasa Cookout is taking place. This new tradition invites families to bring their own kielbasa — Polish, Slovenian, Hungarian, what have you — to cook over a fire, while listening to live bands play everything from rock to polka (of course!) to R&B. Slavic food from local restaurants will be available for those who choose not to cook their own, along with beer to wash it down. There’ll be a booth demonstrating Polish cooking and raffles all evening.
For the kids there’ll be marshmallows to toast and s’more makings, along with crafts to keep them happily engaged. It takes place at 5708 Fleet and it’s free to attend — all are welcome. If you like bring canned goods to donate to the Pope John Paul Ozanam Food Pantry at Holy Name Church.