NE Ohio Folk Rockers the Speedbumps Celebrate Their 10th Anniversary at the Kent Stage

Sat 9/22 @ 8PM

It’s a little hard to put an exact date on the genesis of Kent/Akron-area folk rockers the Speedbumps since it took them a while to ramp up into a full-fledged band. But they’re celebrating their 10th anniversary with a show at the Kent Stage.

The ensemble, now a quintet, led by vocalist/guitarist/songwriter Erik Urycki, most recently released When the Darkness Comes a little over a year ago. It was solidly rooted in their warm acoustic-based harmony-laden sound, expanding it on with growing assurance and depth, particularly in Urycki’s thoughtful lyrics. He’s ably supported by cellist Sam Kristoff, drummer Danny Jenkins, bassist Kevin Martinez and keyboard player/vocalist Bethany Svoboda.

Tickets are $17 in advance, $20 at the door.


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