Artists Archives of the Western Reserve Hosts (Virtual) Reception for Members Show

Preview of this year’s AAWR member show as it’s being hung

The Artists Archives of the Western Reserve was all set to open its 2020 Annual Members Exhibition on Fri 3/27 with the usual opening reception. The exhibit features more than 100 diverse pieces by area artists — any member may enter one piece up to 24” — hung salon-style in a riotous feast for the eyes.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see the show live. In lieu of an opening reception AAWR executive director Mindy Tousley led a tour of the exhibit which is posted on their website. In addition, they’ll be releasing exhibition highlights three times a week on their Facebook page, so you can look closely at the work And it will be available for sale on line too.

The show was scheduled to run through Fri 5/1 with a closing reception and awards ceremony. The voting for the award winners will also take place online; just go to the website and sign up for the mailing list to get a ballot.


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