The Musical Theater Project Discusses Film About the Founding of America

Fri 6/26 @ 7PM

The 1972 musical film 1776, based on a Broadway musical of a few years earlier, features actors portraying our funding fathers — Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hancock — in full-throated song as they debate the issues leading to the Declaration of Independence. And now is probably an excellent time to revisit those debates, given the widespread ignorance about how the U.S. was founded. Lin-Manuel Miranda has called the film a precursor of his blockbuster musical Hamilton.

The Musical Theater Project is hosting a discussion of the film Friday June 26 @ 7pm. Stream the film on AmazonPrime, iTunes or YouTube prior to the discussion, after reading TMTP artistic director Bill Rudman’s statement about things to look for as you watch (available on TMTP website). And get your questions ready. The Zoom dicussion offers the opportunity to raise your own questions.

Go here to register. It’s free.


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