Three Nature-Loving Photographers Show Their Work at the Avon Lake Library

Photo by Maria Perme

Thu 6/29-Wed 7/26

Thu 7/6 @ 5:30-8PM

One thing that connects the three photographers who work goes on display at the Avon Lake Public Library’s Waugaman Gallery this week is their love of nature and the clear joy of reveling in it that comes cross in their work. But northeast Ohio photographers Maria Perme, Tim Greenleaf and Marcelo Mellino all take different paths to nature. Perme is a wellness specialist who offers services such as yoga, reiki and massage; Mellino is a cardiologist who has a fine art gallery in Lakewood; Greenleaf is a communications specialist who loves cats.

Come see how their lives and interest inform their work when the show opens on Friday June 29. Or come to the reception on Thursday July 6 @ 5:30-8pm, enjoy some refreshments and chat with the artists about their work. It’s free and open to all. The show will be on view through Wednesday July 26.

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